
Started the joystick and push rod control system, spent many hours making sure the rods run smoothly. 27/2/2022 – A note on making the controls run smoothly. The design used pushrods and torque tubes running on (?) plastic bushes which are self-lubricating. In fact, they run nice a smoothly. The challenge is that any misalignment of either torque tube (especially in the elevator controls) horizontally or vertically, a fraction of a millimetre will cause the bearings to bind and ruin the smooth flow of the controls, especially the elevator. I spent many many hours carefully aligning and removing fractions of mm from the torque tube clamps in the centre and rear. In addition, when it was all finished I found that I had not fitted the fixing collars on the front control tubes (see pic above) close enough so there was some slop in the elevator. Hey ho, take it apart again and redo it! Now it’s running beautifully, I am very happy with the result of many days’ work. I asked the factory for guidance on the pull force that’s acceptable, they are yet to get back to me.
